Tey Chenae

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9 New Mom Must-Haves

Being a new mom is hard. The days are long and the showers are short (if you even get to have one that is). If you’re goal is to try to breastfeed, the majority of your day will be spent being milked by your little one. If you’re formula feeding, you’re still going to be feeding your little one round the clock, so either way, you should prepare yourself now! Here’s a guide to the top 9 must-haves for a new mom who’s home with the baby all day!

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The most important thing will be comfort. You’re going to be puked on, spilled on, probably sweating (I know, it’s not very glamorous), so you’ll want a comfortable pair of sweats and sweater for when you’re running around the house. These men’s sweats were my go-to in the early months, especially considering my c-section scar still hurt like you wouldn’t believe. An oversized sweater is easy to lift up for breastfeeding access.

You’re also going to want some comfortable sports bras - no, they don’t have to be pretty. These were easily my favourite and still all I wear, since they’re so easy to pull up over your boob for a much lower price than a breastfeeding bra.

Another huge item for me was my coffee + water holders. I remember there were days I didn’t leave the couch for 8hrs (yes, you read that right.. the babes would only sleep on me and he would eat in-between). These were my saving grace because I always had my beverages close and ready to go.

While not everyone is into drinking boost or similar supplements, I kid you not this was the only thing keeping me going for MONTHS. I literally didn’t have time to make myself something to eat, so I’d drink one of them to keep me going for a few more hours until my fiancé was home. I seriously don’t know what I would have done without it.

Slippers are also a good idea, because you’re going to want to have something comfy on your feet when you’re rocking your little one (I swear it’s for what seems like forever). Plus, they’re cute and give major mom vibes.

Leggings are great for when you need to run out or have company coming over but you don’t have a ton of time to get ready. Most importantly, after I had given birth, my stomach had a lot of extra skin and wasn’t where I wanted it to be (obvi, we’re only human and just birthed a human). These leggings in particular kept everything smooth and gave me a more structured look, making me feel better about myself.

Finally, nipple pads… yes, you read that right. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll be surprised to find you leak even just looking at your little angel. So, when you’re wearing one of your nicer tops or have company over and simply don’t want them to see your round, milk-filled stain, these come in handy to avoid the awkwardness all together!

These were easily the top items that got me through and helped me feel like a human. Either way, if you’re reading this with a current little one, or one on the way, remember you’re human. You’re going to have good days and bad days, but either way, you’re still doing great mama & I’m rooting for you!

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