Tey Chenae

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Wow, What a Year!

Well, it’s been almost a YEAR since my last blog post (Cm’on Tey, be better).. In my defence, so much has happened that I’ve been a little pre-occupied (leaving the global pandemic out of it). So, let’s recap some of the stuff that’s happened lately:

“July-ed” to me about weight gain..

Well friends, by July, pregnancy had started taking over my life - and not in a good way. Originally, the doctor said i’d probably gain between 25-40lbs by delivery, but LOL that was far from the truth. Pregnancy was easily the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through; from my ankles being so swollen I could barely walk, to gaining almost double my pre-prego body-weight (yes, you read that right - I put on just under 90lbs!), to officially having not one piece of clothing in my wardrobe that fit.. It was a rough go for me. I was extremely uncomfortable, and to be honest.. I was a little bit depressed since I didn’t recognize myself anymore and I physically couldn’t do just about anything. So, life in bed became my every day norm.

September Showers

Early September, we were surrounded by our friends and family for our baby shower. This was the moment we actually realized we were going to be parents very soon! We were sooo blessed with the outpour of love, support and gifts we received that we actually ended up having pretty much everything first time parents need!

As new soon-to-be parents, we had ZERO idea what we were doing or what we needed (I remember standing in the stroller section for an HOUR looking at my fiancé like “soooo… yeah, idk anything.. I’m over this, let’s go”.. We left soon after). We did our registry through BuyBuy Baby & I’m so happy we did because we lucked out and got the most knowledgeable customer service rep I’ve ever seen! Keegan (who we soon started calling cool Keeg amongst ourselves) knew what and why we needed each thing, which made our lives 10x easier. It actually got to the point we were like “if you think we need it, just add it!). This was easily one of the top 5 shopping experiences I’ve had, and your girl loves to shop!

Welcome to the World, JR!

On October 4th, 2019 at 2:02pm, we welcomed our perfect little angel into the world by a planned c-section. To be honest, this was soooo bizarre to me because a) you can’t really feel what’s happening, and b) they then put your newborn on your chest, but you’re still laid out on a table so you can’t see them! This was such a surreal feeling for me because I knew he was there, I knew he was mine, I knew I just gave birth, but my brain took a bit to process it. An hour later, I got to actually see my little man, and my world changed instantly, completely for the better!

The Next Seven Months..

Well, i’m not even going to attempt to sugar-coat it.. MOTHERHOOD IS RIDICULOUSLY HARD. Yes, we hear it all the time, but my goodness I had no idea!! I kid you not, we were blessed with one of the easiest babies we could’ve asked for and every day is still hard. To be entirely transparent, breastfeeding is one of the best things/feelings I’ve ever had, but it’s also the worst. Why? Because they are literally always on your boob… always. This has died down quite a bit now that junior is 7mths old (this still blows my mind), so on a positive note, I finally have some time for me again! So yeah, that’s pretty much what’s been going on for the last seven months! Yes, newborns are difficult, infants are tiring, but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat for the feeling of having my little person (that I actually made….that’s crazy) look up at me with a smile!