Tey Chenae

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Some Bunny Is Egg-specting!

Pregnancy can be a scary time. You’re told all these things you need to do, but they still don’t guarantee you’ll have no complications. For me, I spent my first three months of pregnancy in daily fear due to my ulcerative colitis making me a high-risk pregnancy - I was terrified I was going to miscarry. This is why Marcus and I thought it was best to make it past the 3 month mark before we let everyone know just in case anything went wrong!

Well, this was hands down the hardest secret we’ve ever had to keep in our lives - not to mention, I’ve been carrying additional weight for months now which made it even more difficult to keep quiet! However, before we knew it, we were at the 3 month mark, the baby was good and we were ready to let our family & the rest of the world in on our little secret!

Time to prepare..

With Marcus being an only child & his grandparents living about an hour away from us, we figured Easter would be a great time to finally tell everyone since they’d be in the city! The only question was "how are we going to do it?”. Two nights before, I headed out to Michaels (the arts & crafts store) to see if they had any giant Easter eggs we could use to leave a note in. Lucky enough, right when I walked in, there it was - a giant sparkly green Easter egg for 50% off and it was the ONLY ONE LEFT! It was meant to be. I’ve never grabbed something so quick in my life (and it actually came with two smaller eggs inside of it)! I then moved on to grab an Easter basket and some Easter grass to lay in the bottom of the egg so I could prop the note up on-top of it. I bought the grass in two packs - one pack of green & pink Easter grass, the other being solely green (this would be used for the basket I was going to put the giant egg in). Fun fact - if you wait until two days before Easter, pretty much all leftover Easter stuff is going to be half price wherever you go (although I wouldn’t take a gamble on hunting down a massive egg that close to the date again). The last thing I picked up was a little wooden plaque that I could use to write our announcement on.

The first thing I did when I got home was grab my leftover gold spray paint for my plaque. I sprayed the entire thing and let it sit out over night to dry. The next day, I began to assemble everything. I put the all green Easter grass in the bottom of the basket. I then put my green & pink Easter grass inside the bottom half of my massive egg and then placed it in the basket. Then, I wrote my note on my plaque in silver marker “Some Bunny is Pr-egg-nant” to give it an Easter twist, placed the plaque inside the egg, and put the top half of the egg back on to cover it!

Some Bunny Is...

Next thing I knew, it was Easter and we had arrived at Marcus’ mother’s with the rest of the family. We handed our Easter egg basket off to his grandmother, getting her to open the egg and read the note out loud to the family. First of all, Marcus’ grandmother happens to be one of the cutest, sweetest women I’ve ever met, with her and my own grandmother reminding me a lot of each other. So it was no surprise when she read the note with the cutest difficulty we’d ever seen. the note was read aloud to the family, and went as follows: “Somebody is pretty neat!” AND SHE LOVED IT. She thought we had given her a massive Easter egg with a simple note to tell her she was a neat person and yet she was STILL grateful. I had real tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard, knowing how very off that statement was from what we were really trying to tell everyone!! “That’s not it, try again!” I laughed, followed by Marcus’ step-father shouting “She’s Pregnant!!”. Tons of happy screams came from around the room once everyone had finally caught on! We were excited everyone was excited, because to be honest we were terrified to spill the beans! We finished it off with some outdoor photos holding the easter basket & our own announcement board (which we got from winners for under $25) so we could share our news with the rest of the world!

I think it’s safe to say we’re extremely happy with the way the announcement turned out! I do want to send a huge thank you to the many of you who have reached out to us with congratulations and the sweetest wishes for our growing family! I’m more than a little late getting this post to you guys (or any post for that matter), so thank you so much for your patience and continued support (I’ve clearly been a little self-consumed lately with a million things going on in life and inside my body - not to mention my general lack of energy from this pregnancy)! All of the love and support we’ve received upon this announcement has truly warmed my heart in ways I never could have imagined, so I just want to say thank you again & I love you all so much!

xo, Tey